Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter and the garden

As if my baby isn't already pretty enough (Mom's are allowed to say that about their babies right? Maybe it's too braggish? Should i reword it?...maybe to-- As if Mike's baby isn't already pretty enough...) she accessorized with a jewel encrusted flower in honor of the beautiful weather we had for Easter.
We had Easter at Courtney and Travis' house. They have a great yard, full of lush green grass. Olivia really enjoyed being outside and blowing (well in her case catching) bubbles and getting some sunshine. Sometimes the bubbles came to her....
Sometimes she had to look hard for them...
And sometimes we tried to "will" them to us....
Now that Olivia is pretty sturdy on her feet she is enjoying all of the new places she can go. The garden has not been my favorite place to bring her.
Up until now.
It's not because i didn't want to share the experience with her but b/c when she crawled she was just that much closer to the things that I'd rather her not get into...or eat. She seems to have a taste for compost....gross....and for uprooting seedlings. Of course she doesn't know the difference between a seedling and a weed .... heck at this point I'm not sure I even know what needs to get pulled out vs. what should stay.... but to be sure she can tell the difference between compost and my cooking... no? ok, maybe not ... but the idea is that now that she stays on her feet so much more those things aren't as much of an issue.
Celeste came over to visit and the two girls were completely content to stand and gossip by the fence while us Mom's got some planting done. These girls are going to run this neighborhood before long. Watch out boys.
I can't wait until summer when Olivia can pick fresh tomatoes, pull carrots, snap off some peas and eat them all at her own will. I know that the day Mike helped shovel dirt way back when, he said that was his whole contribution and he wanted nothing more to do with this garden ... well he lied. Aside from the greens I planted (the kale, chard, spinach and lettuces) I think he is just as excited about the prospect of fresh veggies this summer. So far we have two types of tomatoes, carrots, radishes, basil, parsley, beans, peas, broccoli, kale, onions (red, yellow and white) and several flowers (grown from seed) growing well. We are now sowing sweet potatoes, 2 kinds of squash, some melons, cucumbers, and peppers. Not bad for it being our first garden of our own huh? We (I) have so much to learn. Our friend Robyn has been a great source of information and I am truely grateful. I believe it is her faith in us as well as her contributions (you should see the strawberry plants and blueberry bushes she has given us!!!) that has really helped this become more then just "talk".
It's 2:00am.... I REALLY need to get to sleep. I hope everyone is doing well. Good night.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

check me out

Friday, April 10, 2009

It has been the craziest weather around here. Here is O all bundled up while we rush (it was cold!) to cover up Auntie Lynna's veggie garden before the frost. This "standing up" in her stroller (and/or high chair) is the new thing. She is drawn towards danger and excitement. Basically...she is making her mother a nervous wreck. Can you spot the hitch hiker in the picture above? We walked the whole neighborhood before spotting him in the storage pouch of the stroller. Here is Olivia hanging out with the son of my sisters friend. Believe it or not he is only 6 months older then she is. He is tall for his age and she is short for hers so it makes the age difference look much greater. They had a good time pulling out of all Auntie Carye's tupperware.
They also enjoyed watching the dog play in the backyard.
So speaking of see that all in the last week that these pictures were taken the wardrobe has gone from coats and hoods to pretty summer dresses. Olivia is breaking the stereotype.... she is showing everyone that she is all girl in that dress but yet loves to play with her trucks too.

The next video isn't all that exciting....i just had to post it b/c it cracks me up the way she reacts sometimes. I think she understands more then we think she does sometimes.

Look at how hesitant she is to topple this tower of blocks. I thought she would have more of a reaction "after" knocking them over ... but the before is cute.

Everyone here is doing well...I hope that you are too!

Monday, April 6, 2009

our new linen closet

Olivia is just making sure that all of Daddy's measurements are correct. If they're not...she's calling Grandpa!!!