Hi, my name is Tamara and I'm a terrible blogger.
I am SO SO SO sorry for the lapse in updates. This little girl is just so full of energy and into so much that is hard to break away while i still have energy. I'm usually the one that gets tired first and asks Olivia if Mommy can PLEASE go night night. =-)
Obviously so much has happened since the last update, but i'm not sure where to begin. Pictures are always a good place...let's start there.
(apology in advance for the pictures not being very clear...they are all taken with a cell phone...don't ask, just know i'm going to be better going forward.)

the dragon/dinasour (below) at the park here reminds us of the way the dragon is cut into the shrubs at the four corners (can't remember the intersection) there in Newburgh...(the riddle about the only "living" one today.)

the picture below was taken at the aquarium in Ft. Fisher, NC. Oh NO! Olivia's been eaten by a giant fiddler crab!

Speaking of eating....check out the spoon she insisted on using to eat her mac-n-cheese. Ambitious huh?

Poor baby. Mike joked around saying that she got this swollen eye fighting in the cage ... next UFC champ in training. It sounds more impressive then the fact that it was actually a single misquito bite gone crazy. It took about 3 days for the swelling to go down. D**n misquitos.

This picture of the two of them under the car is just too sweet not to post. Olivia laid there longer then i thought she would, watching everything her daddy did. You can see that he is explaining something to her. Don't think for a second that she didn't understand...she'd amaze you.

We cheated. The law states that you have to be one year old AND 20lbs in order to ride in a forward facing carseat. She was close. =-)

Olivia's first encounter with mannequins was a hoot. She climbed right up on this platform display in order to check her out. I took the picture as she was telling me all about how this girl was a little antisocial.
Then she climbed down to see what this "woof" (as she calls all dogs) was all about.

He looked friendly enough so she decided to treat him like she does her Miss Marley. (you'll see what i mean in a picture towards the bottom of the post)

Speaking of climbing up on... Olivia has a growing facination with elevation. She enjoys climbing anything and everything. It gets her in some interesting predicaments. I think she likes to perch in the highest and coziest spaces. (she got into all of these places herself...this first one she needed help getting out of)
In her quest for the perfect "seat" she found this one that was tooo high.

This one was too dangerous.

Watching tv in a cast iron pan? (she dragged this heavy pan that probably weighs as much as she does...from the kitchen, up over the lip of the gate and into the living room in order to sit in it) This one was too hard.

Miss Marley was softer but too mobile.

Ahhhhh....this chair is just right!

Here's a little video of O scaling her changing table. It's from back in July. Since then she has also learned to climb in and out of her crib. That's a whole other story though.
We've all been pretty sure she was on par or ahead of things in the gross motor department. Climbing, running, jumping, etc. It was the verbal skills that were concerning her doctors and early intervention team. Well we've got a surprise for them on our next visit. Olivia has been talking up a storm. She wakes up talking and goes to bed talking. Of course we don't understand it all but lots of it we do. She has started using several words correctly and consistantly. Here are her favorites.... no (of course i had to put that first lol), yes, water, thank you, Nanana (Savanah), hello, cup, chip, water, SHOES (she loves loves loves shoes), bite (if she wants some of your sandwich/food she will say bite), sip, baby, woof, meow, moo, bye-bye, but why (an appropriate question ...but why?) , i don't know (i consider that a sentence!), WHAT ( i capitalize that b/c that is how she says it...if you tell her to do something she will look at you w/ furrowed brow and say WHAT...sort of in a "are you tawkin' tuh me? tone), where'd it go (another sentence right?), where is it, open, up, out and she gives "i love you" the best effort! Not bad for a baby who had no vocabulary a little more then a month a go right? She rocks!
Well that's about all the time I have for tonight...better get some sleep while i can.
Stay well.
I just found a little clip I had of Olivia saying "what"...she "what"'s Savanah and then Savanah "what's" her back playing around ... i wish i got the begining with S telling her what ever it is she told her that started it all but by the time I grabbed the camera, etc...it's almost over...but you can see what i mean about how she says it. too cute.