It felt great to be able to spend so much time with Olivia today. I was able to hold her two different times and each for over an hour and a half. She was very awake during out kangaroo time and a little sleepier during "burrito" time. (that's what I've coined the time that we get to hold her while she is swaddled up like a burrito)
Burito time was pretty exciting because even though she was a little less awake she was definitely aware of the fact that we snuck some milk onto the pacifier we were giving her. Watch the video to see her smile and smack her lips with num nums.

Wow! She is just getting so BIG and so FAST! She is precious with the pacifier in the video! Look at all her hair! She looks great! Happy 7 weeks and 1 day!
thank you for posting so often! it is driving us nuts that we haven't been able to visit her in a while and so we get our Olivia fix by checking her site a hundred times a day! we love her so much!
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