The above picture is actually a picture of a Valentine's Day card that was made by one of the nurses in the NICU for Mike and I. The nurse made a special trip in to see Olivia when we weren't there and took a picture of her and then made it in to a card for us. Very sweet.

This picture (above) was taken with Mike's cell phone one morning when he arrived at the hospital to find a very naked daughter. When I say naked i mean she has nothing on her face. notice there is no canula. Once a week they are going to take the canula off and see how she does until they can eventually wean her off completely. She looks pretty relaxed w/ her arms up behind her head.

This pacifier seems huge but she has a pretty good grip on it.

This is a recent picture that makes it easy to see how well she is filling out.

The above picture is actually an older picture. This is around the time she first started really looking around and having emotional expressions.

This is an older picture that shows just how tiny she is/was at the time.
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