Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Welcome to the Kilo Club!

Unfortunately I do not have a "picture of the day" to post from today .... but I do have some good news ... Olivia has passed yet another milestone. This evening she officially weighs more then a kilo! 1023 grams! (that's 2 pounds 4 ounces) Have a I said lately just how amazing and awesome we think she is? We can't get enough of her, that is for sure. I will be sure to take pictures tomorrow so stay tuned.


Carye said...

the kilo club!! how exciting! what a big benchmark she has reached! love her bunches! 143

Courtney said...

YAHOO!! way to go Olivia. So proud of her. It MUST have something to do with the giNORMOUS love she is recieving along with and my importantly from the goodness mommy is providing for her. What a champ she is. Like auntie ree said-love her bunches. 143