Olivia looked great today. Nice and pink. It's amazing what some blood will do for a complexion. Her crown / tiara (otherwise known as iv) has been taken out of her scalp. They tried to keep it in case she needed more blood today but it went bad so they had to take it out. Turns out her hematacrit was back up to 32 so she doesn't need any more right now.
Normally she is wide awake when her dad holds and talks to her but this afternoon she was pretty tired and slept most of the time. Waking now and then to give him a quick smirk or a wink. Unfortunately I didn't catch any of them w/ the camera.
We weighed her four times to confirm what the scale said. 1199 grams. I want to get excited about this but tonight she is getting her first feeds with added lipids and I am nervous that if she doesn't tolerate it, they will stop her feeds and she will lose weight.
It's time to turn in. Good night.
Good Morning Princess. What a champ! What beautiful pictures. So excited to read our updates. I'll be thinking about her while she is getting her feed today. Good things. So happy. Kisses Olivia. 143
Hello Sweetness! I am sure Olivia will do great with her feeding! I love her precious little face... I can't wait to kiss her nose! Keep growing big and strong! Lots of love! xoxoxox 143
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