Tonight is a yucky post. I almost hate to post the picture, but it's Olivia's reality...it is what her afternoon/evening was like...so I'm going to share.
Apparently her hematocrit dropped lower then we originally thought (22 not 25) or perhaps it was just that the doctors re-thought their course of action... but either way it was decided that our sweet baby would get her 4th (or is it 5th? I'll have to ask Mike) transfusion. The transfusion is not painful in itself but getting the iv in is. She was stuck with iv needles 9 times before the 10th one was sucessful. I know this because you can play connect the dots. Two on each arm, two on each ankle, one on the left side of her scalp and finally the one shown in the picture that is on the right side of her scalp. I was told that she cried pretty hard for the attempts in her arms and her scalp but when I was with her for the tries in her foot she seemed more aggrivated then anything. I wish I could trade places with her so she didn't have to endure these types of things. We can already tell that she is going to be tough like her father. Tell us Grandma Melville .... has Olivia already passed her dad's record for amount of time spent in a hospital? I just hope that when she gets out of the hospital she doesn't try to out do him on the number of stitches!!!! He can keep that record.
Sweet Olivia... She is strong! She has worked so hard already in her first 8 weeks of life. Growing, eating, smiling, peeing, breathing.... she is such an amazing little princess! Give her kisses from me! Keep growing strong, Princess Olivia! 143
we agree with auntie carye ~ she is an amazing little princess! she is tougher than we know! and you are too ~ some of this stuff is probably actually much harder on you and Mike than on Olivia ~ you are all amazing! 143.
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