Is it just me of does she look like she's telling a very serious story in this first picture?

I'm not sure what has her looking so frightened in the picture below ....

Smiling so big.

What a busy day for Miss Olivia. In the afternoon we went to the lake to walk around, look at the boats and enjoy the breeze (it was hot out) and in the evening we went to visit some friends for a cook out and good company. Busy day, no wonder she's sound asleep on her daddy. Such a good girl.
She is getting so big! Its amazing how fast she is growing! I had a great time hanging out with you guys on Saturday! I hope you had fun! 143
These pictures are just proof of how big she is getting. Look at her expressions! She is getting her own little personality. She is simply amazing. I had SUCH a blast hanging out with you guys and she was so good at the cookout. :) Way to go Olivia-keep up the great work!!! 143
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