Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day

i hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. O, S and I spent the day at Carye's house with the family and friends. always a good time. below are just a few pictures from the day (i need to get permission from the gang b/4 i post the rest). above is Olivia with Suzanne and Matt's youngest....Jake. very handsome guy. "mom leave me alone, i'm hangin' with PopPop".... another very handsome man. =-) Jake's older sister Ella showing the baby some love. this is actually from a day or so ago but I didn't get a chance to post it. mmmm mmmm sweet potatoes! now how in the world did they get way up at the top of the chair? looks like someone's not telling.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Love the sweet 'taters pictures! I can't wait for Cassidy to start eating solids.