Thursday, January 14, 2010


I don't want to post so many pictures of the kids watching TV and give the impression that this is all they are doing.  They did a bit more of it earlier in the week b/c it was soooooo darn cold out but now that the weather has started getting warmer we are spending more time outdoors.  I'll download more of those pictures in the next day or so.

Olivia wants to do with Luca is
doing...and vice versa.

Olivia has a new ... compulsion?  Each time she takes her shoes and socks off she sits (or lays) to seperate each and every toe, checking for lint (and in
some cases - after the beach- sand).

I have so many videos to post but it is getting late.  Tomorrow I will try to organize and post some of them.  Good night.

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