Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! 143

Happy Birthday Olivia!

First things first...let's see how much you've grown...stand nice and still and let's mark the wall with your big 2 year old height!
31.5" have grown 18.5" in two years!

Of course Mommy will measure Mr. Monkey too.

24 inches ... not bad for cute little monkey.

Next let's take a peek at how your feet have grown.

These little piggies sure do work hard taking you here and there and everywhere.  Your Dad and I where just reminiscing about how happy we were when the nurse brought the copy of your little foot prints to us just minutes after you were born.

Now that the serious birthday stuff is taken care of let's check in with Daddy and help set up your new playroom.

Maybe even play in it a little.

Even invite a friend to join you.

Whew...after all this work and play it's time for a snack.  Who knew you liked hummus so ate it...

and ate it....

Double chipping even. 

But then off for more fun playing the Wii.

Cake time.

There is no neat way to eat these gets all over your hands.  Go ahead and lick the frosting off 'em.

You cracked us all up with your next trick.  Bobbin' for cupcakes to avoid getting even more frosting on your hands.

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