I told you a lie in yesterday's post. Olivia is NOT on caffeine anymore. I had not realized they had stopped giving it to her already. I knew as she got older her apnea would start disappearing and she would no longer need the caffeine (until she becomes and adult and coffee becomes part of her morning routine ... how many of you have a cup of joe in one hand as you read this???)...so I was pleasantly surprised to hear that now is the time.
This morning (March 4) she had her third eye exam and everything looks great (no pun intended). Next exam is scheduled for March 18.
OT & PT will be back again this afternoon to assess her motor skills, tolerance, sucking, etc. to see if it is time to start "feeding by mouth"....aka nursing. This is huge...for lots of reasons...but mostly because it is one of 3 things that are required of Olivia before they will let us bring her home. 1. breath 2. eat (by mouth) 3. maintain temperature
Oh, and before i forget .... she is making her own blood!!!! Her hematocrit is low (25) but the test showed that she was making some on her own, so as long as that is the case they are going to hold off on a transfusion. If she starts having other issues related to the low hematocrit they will of course consider giving her more blood but if she maintains they way she has been then the doctors will let her go on her own.
Amazing amazing amazing baby girl.
A few of you ventured a guess on the mystery picture and you were correct.... that is the impression of Olivia's hand on my chest after a kangaroo snugglefest. Have any of you thought of a career in the "investigative" field?
Words can NOT even begin to express the excitment i felt from reading and seeing this latest update. This is amazing. I am so happy. Keep up the great work baby Olivia. YOu have NO idea how proud of you we are!!!
lots of love and squishes....143
She is too freakin' cute. Love the butt shot!
sweet Olivia! so beautiful. good job on the red b cells and yahoo on growing some seriously cute butt cheeks! pinch pinch pinch!
You go, Olivia! Sweet princess! I heard there was a bum shot on here, but I had to wait to get home and see it for myself! Cute little tush! I agree with Lynn... pinch pinch pinch! We miss her so much! Keep growing bigger, Ms. Olivia Grace! You'll be home soon! 143
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