I have learned a lot from this experience and the lesson i am currently working on is one of patience. I am ready to have my baby girl at home with us where I can do the things that new moms are supposed to do. It has been tough to just "sit by" for the last 75 days.
It is not enough for me to be ready or for Mike to be ready or for everyone to be ready .... it will only be time when Olivia is ready.

She is doing an awesome job of preparing for life outside of the hospital... I'm not trying to rush her... i'm just feeling, well pretty much all of the anxieties that a 37 week pregnant woman would feel i guess. playing the waiting game...waiting for my baby to come home. We are doing the "nesting" thing at the house as well. Cleaning and arranging...preparing....
We have almost completed the nursery (curtains and picture hanging pending) and i'll post some of those pictures in a seperate post underneath this one later tonight.
Dinner's ready....gotta run.
1 comment:
What sweet sounds she makes! I know we all like to see her naked belly, but the clothes look so cute! She looks so healthy and big! I can't wait to hold and kiss her... when she is ready of course! Love and kisses for Miss Olivia! 143
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