Hi everyone.
I may post an older, but not yet posted picture, on here so it won't seem so boring...but I did have a few things to pass along. The first one being obvious .... i didn't bring the camera with me yet again today. I know, shame on me. There were some cute pictures to be taken too.
Weight gain has been a little slow the last two days...i think an ounce over all. 4lbs 11ozs. The amount she is eating would indicate a growth spurt in the near future (to me). In the last two weeks she has gone from 8 feedings a day of 37mls to anywhere from 60-90mls. She ate 80 for her dad tonight ... that's pretty good.
The .... i don't want to call it bad news .... but the newest news has to do with her bones. It has been explained to me twice and I still don't feel comfortable trying to explain it so I'm attaching this link. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007231.htm
It basically means that even though we all want to hug and squeeze her ... we shouldn't. At least not too tightly. I'm told that this "condition" should correct itself (with proper management) by the time Olivia is 6 months corrected age (9 months from birth). My understanding is that just by being as early as she was she was already at risk for this and then the many doses of lasix ( http://www.drugs.com/lasix.html ) as well as Bumex ( http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/medmaster/a684051.html ) only compounded things. They are already fortifying my breast milk with certain vitamins, so this revelation means they will be adding additional vitamins as well as running more tests. Tests like the one that checks something called a parathyroid hormone http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parathyroid_hormone and two other ones that I can't remember at the moment. These tests were requested by the endocrinologist at Big Wake ( Olivia is at a satellite hospital and Big Wake is sort of the Mother hospital that all the satellites are affiliated with). I shall keep you posted on the results as we get them.
Alright Olivia-you and Me!! We gotta start taking our calcium and vit d!!!!! I will help ya remember, you don't wanna grow up like your auntie who doesn't drink milk!!! Keep up the good work princess. We are all still cheering you on...Not much longer.
love ya bunches
Auntie cc
I wish I could squeeze and squish her when she gets home, but I won't. Can I pinch her little thigh? Can I tickle her toes? Can I kiss her little nose? I hope I can! But I will resist the squeezes. :) Continue growing strong, Lil Princess! We love you! 143
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