Wednesday, February 9, 2011


A few weeks ago Mike and I asked Olivia if she wanted to try gymnastics.  She wasn't sure what the word "gymnastics" meant but said she'd give it a try.  Seeing all of her jumps, flips and tumbles here at home we were certain it would be a good fit for her.  Since it is her first structured class of any kind there is more to learn then just how to do a backflip.  This first picture is how our classes usually start... with hesitation.  Not quite sure we want to leave Mom and Dad to make the long walk alone, across the gym to join strangers.

Then once Olivia decides she's ready she joins the class for warm ups.  Olivia doesn't like warm ups!  As you can see, she isn't the only one.  Each week there has been at least one other girl that refuses to do jumping jacks.

Olivia does like "the washing machine" warm up.  That's all it takes, once she joins in she's in and the fun begins!

Waiting in line... patiently... is a learned skill and one that we are seeing great progress in with each week we go.

Following multiple step instructions is something that quite honestly, I still struggle with.  I have to give Olivia credit for how awesome she is at following each week's routine.  They are only told, not shown, what to do at which station and when...and the jargon is all new to her.  Trampoline, spring board, bunny hop, balance beam, cartwheel, etc.  Oh, and did I mention the order of what is to be done changes from week to week...?  How about that today only made her 5th class?

****** just as a side note, there is another Olivia in the class so when you hear them calling Olivia in the videos, it's not our Olivia.  Our Olivia is called Olivia Grace by the teacher.

 I know the next picture is fuzzy.  It only took me half the class to figure out that there was a fingerprint (one about the size of a 3 year old oddly enough) across the entire camera lens making it impossible for me to get the camera to focus.  Even so, I had to post this fuzzy one because it is Olivia on the high balance beam without assistance!

 The next picture is not of a gymnastics move I have ever seen.  It's an Olivia original.  In all fairness, the laying down on the floor beam that is going on in background is not a move they are working on either.  hee hee. 
 At the end of each class the girls take turns getting up and doing any move they would like.  Olivia's favorite is the donkey kick.

As the class wraps up, each gymnist is given a certificate of good work (a stamp and a coloring page ) and a high five by the instructors.

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