Monday, February 7, 2011

I love my family

The weather has been on again off again so when it's "on" we have been trying to take advantage of it, even if it means just a simple walk down by our stream.

 Olivia is such a great big sister.  She really, really loves her little brother.  I think at this point he thinks of her as a set of puckered lips b/c that is what he sees coming at him most of the time....  she kisses him... a LOT.

Above is Mike watching the super bowl with Gavin last night (Gavin is 10 weeks old) and below is Mike watching the first baseball games of 2008 with Olivia (Olivia is 17 weeks).

1 comment:

lynna said...

Great pics of everyone! I love seeing S and O having outdoor fun and Olivia's radiant smile with Gavin. And then there is the just the fact of G's cheeks!