I can't believe that I lost the cord to my camera! I only ever update the blog from here in the living room but low and behold the cord is M.I.A. I've been so anxious to upload new pictures. I hope you have been as anxious to see them!
Olivia has wonderful head and neck control. She's been sitting up real straight when sitting on our laps and just look how high she gets her head during "tummy time"!

In this last picture Olivia is just so in love with her dad that she doesn't even realize that while he is paying her all sorts of attention, he is also using some neck stretching techniques he just learned from her physical therapist. Notice how her chin is touching her LEFT shoulder! She has been doing a great job with looking to her left all on her own too.
Our most recent visit to the SICC (special infant care clinic) this week has our baby girl weighing in at 11 pounds 5 ounces and 22 1/4 inches long/tall. Let's think about that for a second... that means she has quintupled her birth weight and grown over 9" in length in just 6 months! Someone has been a busy, busy "big" girl.
Wanna see some then/now pictures? Tune in this weekend and you'll be able to see just how much growing our Olivia Grace has grown.
Hope everyone is doing well. We can't wait 'til we get to NY!!!!!
WOW!!!! She has changed SOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait until I'm able to get a few minutes to stop by and see her. Maybe when you guys get back from NY?? She is such a big girl. It looks like she is able to hold her head up longer than Daddy!!! =) Way to go, big girl O! Take care!
Oh my... Olivia just keeps getting stronger and stronger! She works so hard to make mama and papa proud! Keep up the good work, Miss Olivia! 143
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