Grandpa Melville with his youngest granddaughter. I think he was thrilled and maybe even a little surprised to see how big and healthy she has become since they last met.

the most special event to happen since our last posts is Olivia being able to spend time with Mike's family .... outside of the hospital. The last time they saw each other O was still in an isolette. not even an open bed!!! what a great visit. I can't explain how awesome it was to see Olivia interacting, smiling and giggling ... giggling ... giggling with them. An instant bond. She told Grandma all of our secrets ... they are already thick as theives .... and she flirted with Grandpa shamelessly. I was hesitant to post the pictures from our trip b/c even though i am sure i took one, I can not find the picture of Rachesha holding Olivia and I hate to post the rest with out it. I promise i'll find it and post it.
Other big news is that Olivia has started eating bananas and cereal. Well she eats when she is not laughing (see video).
Savanah does a great job feeding her sister. Believe it or not, between giggles and games, they do get down to the business at hand.
Speaking of S .... I took a picture of her, her Uncle Robert and cousin Alek that I want to share.

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